Economics to cultivate our life in contrast to our ancestors thousands of years ago, we know today that the world was by no means created for it, so that we can enrich ourselves as chosen Images of God on it as it suits us. But we forgot to erase the old errors from our control systems as well. We have only developed these further and the errors of prehistoric times are to this day the basis of business and politics. And that is why, to this day, they do not function in any culture, without repeatedly degenerating into the extremes of ultimately destroying themselves, so that the next round begins in the eternally old hamster wheel.
If a house threatens to sink into quicksand, rebuilding measures within the house are pointless. Then you have to leave the sinking house and look for a solid surface. Then you build a strong foundation on which to build a new, stable and safe home.
If this is referred to our world, such a foundation is the real reality, which also endures if we leave out our old thought patterns and ideas of economics (and politics). What remains is our habitat on earth including man, animal and nature, unique in our solar system and not interchangeable and invaluable. The habitat on earth is ' the estate ' of humanity for all generations and must be managed as such with the utmost care so that it can be passed down from generation to generation. Each generation manages ' the estate ' for the next and bears full responsibility for preserving the children's heritage in the highest possible quality but at least equally. We must adapt our rules to this genuine reality, not the other way around.
Please try to forget everything you think you know about economics.
Imagine earth, the wafer-thin shell of our habitat that represents the estate to be cultivated with man, animal and nature. All necessary tools (technology, production facilities, infrastructures, logistics, etc.) are available. That is the reality on which we are building the new economic plan.
The most important requirements are:
Payment, price calculation, compensation to nature, compensation of give and take etc.
0.) Coarse Alignment as Clues
The feasibility derives from the functions of Living Balance.
(The current system excludes the possibility of meeting these criteria)
1. The dignity of life is inviolable.
Living in all its forms of expression is unique and must be assessed accordingly.
2. Protecting and preserving the earth habitat is a top priority for all people and peoples on earth.
It is the highest responsibility of any generation to maintain the quality of the habitat.
3. Everyone has the right to a free basic living wage.
This includes the right to a decent home, the best possible medical care and education of choice.
The rough definition is intentional and increases the chances of achieving a global acceptance as high as possible.
In this way, it can be interpreted individually and disturbs other cultures as little as possible.
Nothing is more destructive (and superfluous) than wanting to impose one's own beliefs on others.
1.) Wage compensation for people
2.) Price calculation of the value of goods in two steps:
The standards for calculating merchandise values are energy and water ' consumption '
The aim is to preserve the value of the habitat for future generations. So all the damage caused must also be remedied. Actually logical.
As before, energy and water consumption is accurately determined for promotion, processing, production, transport, trade up for sale to the consumer. But this is not paid for by companies, but is noted for every step of the work on the merchandise certificate. The total Is the first part of the commodity price.
In addition, the damage caused to nature is determined by means of extraction, processing, production, transport, up to and including sales-but also by consumption and later disposal. All necessary measures to repair the damage caused are starting and it is calculated how much effort has to be done until the original quality is fully restored.
This is the second part of the commodity price.
All other costs are eliminated, because they are simply superfluous for the protection of human, animal and nature, as well as correctly regulated balancing of give and take. It doesn't have to be ' the economy ' good, but man, animal and nature in the habitat on planet earth.
A conversion key may be needed to align time offsets and merchandise values in such a way that everyone can live well and fulfill their wishes. I like to leave this to experts who are familiar with it and know what amount of effort it takes.
3.) Compensating give and take when shopping
Little changes for the buyer. He chooses his purchases, the prices are added up at the checkout and offset by the buyer by account card.
But the purchase value does not pass from the buyer to the seller, but is only deducted from the account, automatically loses its purchasing power and is eliminated. No one has paid anything until that point, so no one has to get any of it either.
Nature is compensated and the buyer gets the goods he has chosen for his spent life. Both are balanced and finished against each other. Companies are no longer involved in trading, there is no money flowing, no one is enriching themselves at the expense of others-and all living people are helped and everyone is coming to their right. Man, animal and nature.
4.) Tax compensation and three guidance for municipalities, countries and the state.
Because tax revenues are also eliminated in Living Compensation, it is regulated in such a way that municipalities (countries, states) are entitled to a sum that is still to be determined for each resident, which can be spent on the needs of the community.
For use, two rules are considered trend-setting:
Moreover, the highest possible level of transparency applies. Everything is always visible and accessible to all. This is not only the best protection against self-interest and abuse, but also an appreciation of individual citizens, who can get a crystal clear overview if they want to. This "You may choose us, but not know everything " simply does not miss me and absolute transparency, at least in economic areas, should counteract the increasing mistrust of the citizens, who are not too unjustly at the mercy and feel treated unfairly.
That's it. More is no longer needed to ensure the needs of humans, animals and nature, as well as a correct balance of give and take for all Involved. Everything we know beyond that (added value, interest rate, stock exchange, banks, speculation, etc.) is irrelevant to life on earth and serves only the system itself or the enrichment of a few.
Danke für die Übersetzung, Christine!
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